Thursday 16 February 2012

This week's releases

A look at this week's film releases:

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: A feel good movie of a young boy (Thomas Horn) who struggles to come to terms with the death of his father (Tom Hanks) in 9/11 but finds a strange key that he is convinced opens something that his father wants him to see. This takes him all round New York where he meets various people from all walks of life. Unsurprisingly since her role in The Blindside, Sandra Bullock plays the loving mother.

Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance: Nicholas Cage returns in an effort to make a film even worse than the original Ghost Rider and make us all pray that this doesn't turn into a fully blown franchise. But I'm sure nothing I say here will stop it from making millions of dollars like the original. In this film, Cage becomes his alter ego Jonny Blaze in an effort to save a young boy from the devil.

The Woman in the Fifth: Ethan Hawke is a disgraced college lecturer who flees the controversy in Paris but ends up embarking on a relationship with a widow (Kristin Scott Thomas) who places strict rules on the terms of their liasions. But over time he ends up in even more trouble that involves murder and his only family which he starts to believe is caused by his lover. Expect a big performance from Kristin Scott Thomas.

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