Sunday 26 February 2012

The Rolling Picture Awards nominations

I decided since it is award season to create my own awards and then decide on the winners to show which films and actors/actresses are most deserving in my opinion. I hope to reward some different films based on actual merit rather than because of the names attached or the director. So here goes:

Best Picture:

The Artist
The Descendants
Margin Call

Best Actor:

Zachary Quinto - Margin Call
Ryan Gosling - Drive
George Clooney - The Descendants
Jean Dujardin - The Artist
Gary Oldman - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Brad Pitt - Moneyball

Best Actress:

Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
Viola Davis - The Help
Rooney Mara - Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Tilda Swinton - We Need to Talk about Kevin
Jodie Foster - Carnage
Olivia Colman - Tyrannosaur

Best Supporting Actor:

Jonah Hill - Moneyball
Christopher Plummer - Beginners
Paul Bettany - Margin Call
Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Ides of March
Christoph Waltz - Carnage

Best Supporting Actress:

Octavia Spencer - The Help
Bérénice Bejo - The Artist
Jessica Chastain - The Help
Anna Kendrick - 50/50
Evan Rachel Wood - Ides of March

Best Director:

J.C. Chandor - Margin Call
Steve McQueen - Shame
Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris
Asif Kapadia - Senna
Alexander Payne - The Descendants

The Chris Rock in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back Award (Best Small Role):

Christina Hendricks - Drive
Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Moneyball
Jeremy Irons - Margin Call
Uggie the Dog - The Artist
Noah Taylor - Submarine

Best Music/Soundtrack:

The Artist
Midnight in Paris
The Descendants

Worst Film:

Johnny English Reborn
Jack & Jill
Bad Teacher
Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Naturally I could have named about a dozen films in Worst Film but I narrowed it down to the truly worst 5. This gives you a quite obvious idea of my favourite movies and acting performances of the last year.

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