Wednesday 29 January 2014

Film Review: Iron Man 2

Director: Jon Favreau

After the success of the first movie and the ending leaving the possibility of a franchise open after Tony Stark reveals he is infact Iron Man, Marvel Studios took just two years to film and produce the sequel. Striking while the iron is hot they drafted in Justin Theroux to write the screenplay after he co-wrote Tropic Thunder. Terrence Howard wasn't signed on for the second movie so ended up being replaced by Don Cheadle and was filmed in California except for the scene at the Monaco Grand Prix.

Tony Stark back as Iron Man
With the world living peacefully under the watch of Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) as Iron Man, he continues to hold events showing off his fabulous inventions. The US military are keen to acquire the technology for the suit as they don't trust Stark but he refuses and re-assures them that nobody will have this technology for 10-15 years. But out in Russia a man named Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) builds the arc reactor needed for the suit and wants revenge for his fathers death so sets out to find Iron Man.

*possible spoilers*

The overall story of the antagonist Ivan Vanko and his work with Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) was less intriguing and more predictable than in the original Iron Man film. Again it falls as more of a backdrop to the main story surrounding Tony Stark who is having a crisis of his own about his technology and failing health which is the more interesting part of the plot. I think the original added something new to a rather tired super hero genre whereas the second struggles to meet those same standards.

Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson)
The addition of SHIELD helps tie the story back into the original comics and back to the other super heroes that Iron Man will team up with in the Avengers Assemble film. Scarlett Johansson is a fun character as Natalie Rushman who obviously catches Tony Stark's eye instantly. The ending itself was a little confused and unsure of its self, it involved a lot of needless flying around and then a final battle that was over very quickly. But overall its still an enjoyable film that will keep the franchise alive through a third film.

2/4 Doesn't live up to its predecessor

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