Tuesday 15 October 2013

Films you'll never watch again

Just to clarify from the title, I'm not talking about terrible films like Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon or Good Luck Chuck. I mean films that were so traumatizing and hard to watch that even if you enjoyed it you wouldnt want to put yourself through that again. I've briefly discussed this with people before and a few films were mentioned. The first film that comes to mind for me was The Exorcist, I saw it when I was a teenager and I didnt sleep for weeks afterwards. It really stayed with me and would probably look a bit dated now with the huge amount of exorcism based horror movies about in recent years. But I dont think I'd watch that movie again even if you paid me.

Definitive horror movie The Exorcist
Another more recent film that I class in this category is Tyrannosaur (review here). The story of widower Joseph (Peter Mullan) befriending domestic abuse victim Hannah (Olivia Colman) is a stark and depressing tale of alcoholism, abuse and violence. The acting is immense from Mullan and Colman so I'd recommend seeing it if you haven't already but in the knowledge that it won't be an easy film to sit through. The film itself is very impressive but it is a tough watch and not a film I'd revisit in a hurry. The final film I'd classify for certain is a lesser known film called Compliance, review here About a prank caller convincing a fast food worker to strip and then be sexually assaulted by her unwitting boss. Based on a true story its a hugely frustrating film as you know all along that what you are seeing shouldn't be happening and should be questioned but the characters go along with the phone callers wishes.

The lady in the radiator from Eraserhead
Some films come close in terms of their content etc to being the sort of films I'd never see again but I would certainly not rule them out like the ones listed above. Two films that immediately spring to mind are Eraserhead by David Lynch (review here) and Irreversible by Gaspar NoĆ© (review here). The former is a bizarre film with a constant onslaught of strange imagery and excruciating noise throughout makes it a tough film as you feel your senses being constantly attacked. After the first time I saw Eraserhead I felt quite nauseous afterwards. Whereas Irreversible produces a similarly stomach turning effect in the early scene in the gay nightclub with the constantly shifting camerawork and the brutal violence suddenly displayed without a cutaway. But somehow I find this scene incredible, one of my favourites in cinematic history for its frantic energy and unsettling visuals. The rape scene though is also nine minutes of horror that I don't intend seeing again.

Please feel free to share any films that you'd class in this category.


  1. I love being scared by movies, so The Exorcist is always re-watchable for me :)

    My list would include: Wake in Fright (1971), Antichrist (2009), Inglourious Basterds (believe it or not). There's many more, I just can't name them off the top of my head.

  2. You mentioning Antichrist has reminded me of Breaking the Waves, not sure I could stomach that again. Inglorious Basterds? Surprising one.
